[P]roteus (bis) – An AstaroTheatro Production for Free Fringe Festival 2016

An AstaroTheatro Production for Free Fringe Festival 2016
AstaroTheatro outside AstaroTheatro
Friday 2nd September, 20:00
Saturday 3rd September, 14:00
@ DE VONDELBUNKER VondelPark Amsterdam
De Vondelbunker entrance is located at the furthest right entrance of the bridge
[P]roteus (bis)by Zbigniew Maciak
inspired by the lost play ‘Proteus’ by Aeschylus
performed 458 BC together with ‘The Oresteia’
Directed by Zbigniew Maciak in collaboration with the actors
Proteus: Roberto Bacchilega
Silenus: Juan C. Tajes
Menelaus: Roberto Genta
Echo: Elephteria Vakaki
& the Chorus of Satyrs: Joost van Oosterhout and Arif Murat Gür
Recordings: Jonathan Brown
Barrels and Towers: Martina and Björn Gudmundson 
Masks and Armour: Juan C. Tajes
Poster Design: Martin Hrdina. AGENDA CULTURAL. CíRCULO D.M.


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