AstaroTheatro December
Sint Jansstraat 37 Amsterdam
www.astarotheatro.com info@ondaitaliana.org. Tel. 06 25382491

Saturday 12th December, 20:30MARX IS BACK (a play on history) “Why have I returned? to clear my name!”
AstaroTheatro presents a monologue by Howard Zinn adapted and performed by Roberto Bacchilega
Karl Marx has had enough of seeing his revolution taken over by opportunists organizing each time a new priesthood and a new hierarchy, with excommunications and indexes, with inquisitions and firing squads. He is disgusted by media declaring him dead again and again. Karl Marx is back to remind us that his ideas are more alive than ever. He revisits memories of his courageous life and revolutionary theories. We learn about his family, his struggles and the boils on his arse. AGENDA CULTURAL. CíRCULO D.M.