cedla lezingen serie / cedla charlas

20th February (15.30)
Writing history in Chile: discourse and critique
Luis G. de Mussy (CIDOC)
Referent: Michiel Baud
Abstract: The idea of this presentation is to understand the recent developments in Chilean historiography. Above all, it will focus on the new structural possibilities of history writing which goes beyond specific periodes (such as colonial, republican or modern history) or themes (such as political, gender, cultural history). The focus will therefore be more on the writing of history than on historical themes or persons themselves. Based on the book Balance historiografico chileno. El orden del discurso y el giro crítico actual (2007) this presentation will look at the characteristics of Chilean historiography and especially at the development of intellectual history in today's Chile.

20 de marzo (15.30)
El conflicto Mapuche: origen y situación actual
José Bengoa (Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano/TCLA)
Referent: Arij Ouweneel (CEDLA)

24th April (15.30)
Human Dimensions Research on Global Environmental Change: a Latin American Perspective
Emilio Moran (Indiana University)
Referent: Wouter de Groot (CML, Leiden/ISIS, Nijmegen)

15th May (15.30)
Whose Prosperity and Security? Mexican Women Citizenships
Rosalba Icaza (ISS)
Referent: Gemma van der Haar (WUR)

Todas las conferencias y debates serán en la lengua de su título y abstract. La entrada es libre para todas las personas interesadas. Se agradacederá la puntualidad de los asistentes.

Alle lezingen worden gegeven in de taal van de titel, toegang is gratis en er is geen noodzaak u vantevoren op te geven, wij verzoeken u wel vriendelijk op tijd aanwezig te zijn.

Mailinglist: secretariat@cedla.nl
Las conferencias y debates tendrán lugar:
Keizersgracht 397
1016 EK Amsterdam


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