The Grouch at Microteatro -Juan C. Tajes Art Studio

The Funniest Comedy in Town
plays again today at 18:30
at Microteatro-Juan C. Tajes Art Studio
The Grouch
Studies in Misanthropy aka Hating Humanity is a Waste of Time
Based on Menander’s “Dyskolos” (‘The Misanthrope”)
First produced in Athens in 316 B.C.
Translated by Vincent Rosivach and Others
Adapted by Zbigniew Maciak
At Microteatro- Juan C. Tajes Art Studio
Warmoessstraat 109 Amsterdam
(be on time, limited amount of seats)
Sunday 10 September, 18:30
The cast:
Pan, the god - Juan Carlos Tajes Baddouh
Getas, the slave - Joost van Oosterhout
Knemon, the misanthrope - Roberto Bacchilega
Simikhe, the woman slave - Silvia Terribili
Masks and Costumes - Juan Carlos Tajes Baddouh
Music - Joost van OosterhoutJuan Carlos Tajes Baddouh and Guests
Graphics: Belen Belén Apaz
Directed by Zbigniew Maciak in collaboration with the actors
An AstaroTheatro and TaBaJuCa Production
This Ancient Greek comedy gives a portrait of the First Misanthrope.
In a turn of events, confronted with neighbours and the supernatural powers of the Nymphs, (who dwell in the sanctuary next-door) - this mean, troublesome man, (who hates literally all humanity), is forced to go through a well-deep, spiritual journey. AGENDA CULTURAL. CíRCULO D.M.


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