Children's book presentation: Boemij by Ana van Sepers M.L.
October 08, 2017
From 16:00 to 18:00
This magical children’s book will be presented by its author Ana Van Sepers and its illustrator Megan Bull.
After the presentation, kids will be invited to participate in a Boemij painting workshop.
Note of the author
'Hi! I'm Boemij ... and I have magic inside me just like you!
This is a wonderful book that has been created specially to boost the self-esteem of children. It also has as a goal, to show kids the value of their own language and the importance of learning new ones, so they can express their feelings and emotions. What is more, it is a reminder that it does not matter in which part of the world you are, home is where your loved ones are.
The beautiful illustrations have been handmade by Megan Bull.
Boemij is much more than a book, it is also a social project. For each book you purchased, another book will be donated to a child who lives in the mountains of Cuzco in Peru. Quechua is the mother tongue of these children who, unfortunately, prefer not to use it often for fear of being discriminated. Quechua is one of the most spoken native language at the Andes in South America, being mainly a language of oral transmission. That is why it’s important for its survival to spread it.
Having married with a Dutchman, having two bilingual daughters, and residing in the Netherlands; I can see with great surprise that a geographically small country is able to preserve and to cultivate their language with care and pride. I believe that the hearts of these little children in Peru should be flooded with pride and delight for being able to speak a beautiful language and rich of history as Quechua... language of the Incas.
I want to thank you dear reader, my family, my friends, Galbe International, Susan Ortega and all those who made Boemij project come true. I also want to thank Siminchikkunarayku Foundation, particularly Lorenzo Ruiz and Eng. Luis Camacho from Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, who in their laborious work to revitalize and to preserve the Quechua language, collaborated with the official translation in Quechua of this fascinating project. '
Ana Van Sepers Medina-Loayza. AGENDA CULTURAL. CíRCULO D.M.